
This week our new task for the summer learning journey was to make a video showcasing a trickshot that we would be able to make. Doing this activity we planned out what we could do for our trickshot, with this in mind I planned out that I would throw a scraped up papper towel into bin from a second floor balcony. After taking a few tries doing this I made the papper towel land into the rubbish bin, however it landed somewhere else around the bin, but I still think it would count that i made it in.

I found this summer learning journey activity quite difficult due to how much attemps it took me to do this trickshot.

Quality commenting

This weeks summer learning journey activity, our task from Mrs. Grant was to make a qulity comment on someones blog post. I first started off by going on somesones blog to make a comment on, so I chose Maurice from room LS1. I then used a google doc in order to think about Maurice’s blog. To help me what I could say about Muarcie’s blog I used a bloging creteria witch helped me to say something positive, thoughful and helpful about his blog.

The reason why I think my comment is a quality comment because all my speling in my comment are correct, everthing I said about maurice’s blog makes scense and I made a connection to Maurice by putting in a question about what he did in order for him to reply and answer.


Tresurehunt activity

This week for the summer learning journey our challenge from nanogirl was to find school stuff all around our classroom. With this challenge, our job was to find these 7 items.

  • String
  • Tube
  • something that has weight
  • paper and cardboard
  • ruller
  • pencil
  • something to hold these (Tray)

As we were searching we found all the items we needed, however with the tube we used a plane white papper and glued it into a cylinder shape. Afterwards we then took a photo of all the stuff we had and labeled everything.

I found this task quite challenging becuase it was quite hard trying to find these items

Manga drawing

From the past few weeks for this summer learning journey activity i’ve created my own manga art which means drawing your own anime character. After I watch a video showcasing how to draw my manga charcter I got started by using a website called Google arts and culture to draw my manga character. As being more cretatie with my drawing it started to get more better and it got to the point where i added more lines to manga drawing. Afterwards I added colours to it and lastly I submitted my drawing and this is what it came up with.

I found this summer learning journey activity quite challenging based on how complicated my details on my drawing were.

Paint with music

This week for the summer learning journey our new task for today was to create an individual art showcasing a picture that was inspired by our favourite music. We first started our task by watching a video showing the way how music art works. Afterwards we got started with our activity, using a website called Sumo paint where we were able to paint our own picture, but before we got started we went on youtube searching up our favourite music to listen to while doing our task. The song I chose was Bohemian rhaspasody and it inspired me to make a picture of an island and sunset.


Something I found intresing about this task is how the music made me so intrested to make a picture of an island and the sunset.  

Somoan flag

This weeks task for the SLJ (Summer learing journey), I created a DLO showing the appearance of the Samoan flag and explaning what the colours and design of it mean. As doning the DLO I used an image of the Samoan flag of google and made a few trancings of it to make my own version of it. Through my researches I discovered about what the colours and stars on tthe flag represent. I know that the white colour on the stars of the flag shows standing for purity, blue stands for freedom and red stands for courage. Based on the five stars itself, they represent the southern cross constelation.


The intresting thing I found about this task is that doing researching about the flag gave me what the designs of it represent.

Early and Modern Mode of Transport

LI: To correctly draw and label a diagram. 

Today we were looking at the change of early and the modern mode of transport. We labeled the different parts of one of the land, sea, rail, and air. We also chose to do one of which were the interior, outside, or the engine.  Give each example for the differences between the two. I found this task quite dificult because during the task it was quite hard drawing the cars. An interesting fact I learnt during this activity was that there were more futuristic features on transportations now a days


Attempt New Things & Ask for Help

LI: Students will learn that it’s okay to try new things and to ask for help when needed.

For PB4L, we are reminding ourselves why it is important to attempt to do new things and to ask for help. This session encourages students and people so that they can continue doing what they find interest in or so they can improve their academic performance.

It is important to attempt new things because when you do it an succeed you will build up your confidence. It is important to ask for help because It’s important to ask for help just in case you are stuck on something Its best if you can ask a teacher or your parent for help because they are someone you can the most.  I found this task helpful because it tuaght me why its important to be brave to try something new.


Match girls strike of 1888

Today we had a session with David, our PB4L leader. He was teaching us about the match girls strike of 1888. This Strike of 1888 explains the hardships that the match girls went through, this eventually led to a protest trying to raise awareness for women who don’t get appreciate their hard work by not getting paid.

I found this task interesting because we learned lots of stuff.

An interesting fact I learnt during this activity was  there is a group of people marching with a large banner. With a few men in the picture, it looks like they were making commandments to the women to march somewhere.

Provocation | Should we keep or ban fireworks?

LI: To identify the 2 perspectives of provocation 

For writing, we have been learning about provocation. Provocation is giving opinions that will set off powerful feelings about the topic. Before starting our learning conversation, we had 10 minutes to smart search for evidence we can use to support our think of the use of fireworks. While taking notes, we shared and borrowed information from other groups to help build up our knowledge that we could use when explaining our opinions. Afterwards we had a learning conversation about the pros and cons about fireworks. During our learning conversation, we agreed and disagreed with each other by using evidence that we gathered to support our statements.  In conclusion, we came up with two different opinions and gave reasons on why we thought that way.


We found this activity helpful because it gave us a good experience of provocation and a proper learning conversation.